May 25, 2018: Cheers to the "Day of Wine"!

The "Day of Wine", which is celebrated on May 25th

Yes, I know... there is now a public holiday for (almost) everything: a "Museum Day", a "World Migratory Bird Day", a "Bad Poetry Day" or an "Insurance Day". Of course, it's debatable whether you absolutely need to celebrate all of these. However, my personal holiday favorites are the recently celebrated "Eat-what-you-want Day" on 11 May, the upcoming "Make an early night" on 2 June, closely followed by "Hug-your-cat Day" on 6 June. And of course - last but not least - "Wine Day", which will be celebrated on May 25. If you ask me, this is the most meaningful holiday of all! The "Day of Wine" takes place every year on May 25th. This year - in 2018 - that is ideally a Friday. Ideal because this day of the week is the best way to do justice to the actual purpose of this day. In contrast to "Drink Wine Day", which awaits us again next year on February 18, Wine Day is neither about the role of wine in the history of mankind nor about the health benefits of drinking wine. Rather, it's about enjoying a glass of your favorite wine with your friends. And on Fridays, after a hard week at work, you have time for friends...

The "Day of Wine" is a day absolutely "worth celebrating"

A friend, a glass of wine - what more could you want!

So "Wine Day" is all about spending time with friends over a good glass of wine and good conversation. And that is an extremely sensible idea, especially in these times of digital communication, when people prefer to Skype, Whatsapp and email each other instead of meeting in person. An idea that - in my opinion - also fits perfectly with the essence of Chianti Classico wines. To the mindful approach to winemaking that the winegrowers in Panzano, Monti and Castellina cultivate. To the careful treatment of the environment and its resources. Or the common endeavor to simply make good wines. It is not known who originally had the idea for the "Day of Wine". Nor is it known why this day is celebrated on 25 May of all days. But one thing is a fact: "Wine Day" is a day absolutely worth celebrating. And I will definitely be toasting wine, life and friendship with friends on May 25 with a glass or two! Un altro sulla "giorno del vino"! P.S.: If you want to know exactly what other meaningful and less meaningful "holidays" there are and what exactly is celebrated on which day, you can find out at www.welcher-tag-ist-heute.orgnachlesen.  


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Attenzione! Attenzione! There is news from the Fattoria Le Fonti...